Today i found a beautiful Trophy blazer in a Charity shop for £5 :O Its black, Chiffon and covered in beaded flowers, Its been so nice and sunny here, I love it!
I am on the hunt for the perfect black faux fur shrug for winter and I cant stop listening to Florence and the Machine's 'Lungs' album, she was defiantly a huge highlight of Leeds's festival for me she looked amazing!

I love This photo of Nicole Richie for Azzaro. I want to wear black lace tommrow.
Love headbands and stuff, and that photo of Nicole Richie is really nice, love her style. Glad your having fun at Uni..i've got another week to wait yet! x
I'm going to Southampton to do a course called Writing Fashion & Culture..it's basically Fashion Journalism with a bit of fashion history,styling,photograpy..bit of everything really! Can't waaiiit! What are you studying? I take it it's something fashion-ey as well? i remember i went to visit Epsom when i was looking for a uni =) x
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