Noughties, a decade we will remember for white headphones becoming a permanent fixture to our ears,
communication completely changing as we decided to 'M
yspace' then 'F
acebook' to now using 148 characters to 'Tweet' our very own thoughts and whilst doing this we became the most watched nation on the planet. America selected its first black president to live in the white house, reality
TV shows took over our living rooms, it became good to be gay (rightly so) Cheryl Cole became a national treasure, the date
September 11
th changed the whole world forever,
Beyonce made us all want to be 'single ladies', the 'Gherkin' in
London was erected, we saw a global recession,
Pluto got deemed not good enough to be in the solar system,
Britney spears shaved her head, the king of pop died and technology was advancing quicker than you could say the word.

completely snowed in and an afternoon to spare (this is very rare so a lovely change!) I thought about dedicating a blog to all trends that i
wouldn't mind not seeing in our 'Teens' or is it 'T
eenies'? and that could be left in the N
oughties like the wonderful
memory's above.
Lovely leggings...
I love leggings, they are so practical and when having a miserable day there my instant go to item to wear with anything from
oversized chiffon blouses to huge jumpers.
However i really
don't love them in all the colours of the rainbow (
especially white, are your legs in bandages?)
With segments cut out? 'wet look' i couldn't of detested more, could anyone but Mary-Kate pull them off? Jeggings? yes they look like jeans but wow there really leggings, but why does nearly every pair have to have bright yellow ugly stitching and unflattering 'pockets'?
but my biggest legging phobia is when girls
don't let there top half cover there bum, as leggings are super fitted anyway we end up getting an eyeful of parts we really

Posh should know better.
Uggs, Uggs, Uggs...Ive never owned a pair and
Ive just never been able to get my head around the whole '
Ugg' trend for me personally and have been known to wonder if U
gg is short for ugly! However I can see the great
practicality behind then and they can look lovely
especially the sheepskin ones just look at Sienna Miller in hers. But the reason they have made it on to my list is i hate the fake U
ggs you've all seen it when its raining the type that get wet through and the foots twisted inwards and the soles curled up goodness knows where it just looks uncomfortable.

Don't you wish
Uggs looked like this on everyone.
Brave Bra..I just
don't think having your bra on show under a bit of see through material is sexy?
This trend just screams cheap,
especially when done with white lace,
there are so many other
gorgeous ways to make
revealing your underwear actually work and look pretty and sexy at the same time.
Oh Britters!
Fakey fake...
I know every girl loves a fake tan session especially this time of year, when the weather's rubbish and it feels like were waking up looking paler everyday, not just that but it's magic power of it making us look slimmer and the fact that as much as it would be my dream and I'm sure any girls dream to fly off every month to St,Tropez and top up our natural golden tan it just isn't happening.
But why oh why when there is so many products on the
high street and so many brands to suit your skin tone do so many girls get it so wrong and we end up seeing awful fake tan marks on hands, knees, feet and even down necks it ruins even the most perfect outfit. JUST EXFOLIATE and remember to wash hands afterwards.

Pyjama brands...
as i like to call them. '
Abercrombie and Fitch' and 'Jack Wills' are the first three to spring to mind. My only problem with these brands are that i feel clothes should make you feel special, every girl should wake up in the
morning and want to play dress up not pay
extortionate amounts to be a complete clone of someone with a 'i
don't care what i wear' appearance but a 'look at the brand name slapped all over me' approach. Maybe its
because i am fascinated by all things high fashion which is why i will never understand the appeal of these 'leisure' brands but
I'm just tired of seeing girls and boys looking as if they have stepped out in there pyjamas and/or got dressed all
together and we
don't live in
Australia and go for sunset runs so its just never going to look okay.

I could go on more i'm sure but there my top 5!
There are also so many great trends that i love at the moment that will definitely make it to my 'teens'
Underwear as outerwear, snood's, harem pants (new structured ones are amazing for office wear to replace the jersey types) florals, nudes, black as always, ballet pumps, bucket bags, oversized knitwear, trench coats and over the knee boots... (I'm thinking this should be another free afternoon blogging session.)
This is all just my opinion and i am sure somewhere i could find beautiful evidence of all of my 'hated' trends working but i would love to know what trends will make it into your 'Teenies' and what you'd love yo say goodbye too in our new decade :)